Parent Involvement
At Our Holy Redeemer, parental involvement and participation is warmly invited and actively encouraged. You can participate in a variety of ways such as joining the Education Board or Parents and Friends Association, assisting with working bees, the tuck shop, excursions, Food Bank, volunteering in the classrooms as parent helpers, becoming a class coordinator, supporting the biennial fete, attending parent information sessions, and simply by staying up to date with school news and events.
It is through parental involvement that we truly build the strong sense of community at Our Holy Redeemer.
Just speak to your classroom teacher – or our Principal to find out more!
Parents & Friends
Parents play a vital role in our partnership between home and school. The Our Holy Redeemer Parents & Friends Association Inc (PFA) supports and enhances this relationship through providing opportunities for social interaction and inviting participation in a variety of activities that add value to the life of our community.
Time spent in classrooms, assisting with sports days and other school events are invaluable ways of supporting the education of our students as well as offering them an example of true participation in the life of a community. We have an active and positive community of parents who add to the vitality of life at our school.
The PFA meet every four weeks during the school calendar year, and meetings are open to all parents. You do not have to have an assigned role to attend any of the PFA monthly meetings. Please come along to find out what is happening around your child/ren’s school! The PFA communicates information to the school community via email, in the weekly school newsletter and in printed material sent home in children’s communications pouches.
The Annual General Meeting of the PFA is held in November each year. All PFA offices will be deemed vacant at that meeting. Any current parent is invited to nominate for a PFA office at that meeting.
The Our Holy Redeemer PFA organises fundraising events such as festivals, dinners and trivia nights. Funds raised are generally allocated on a yearly basis by the PFA for initiatives that support and enhance the education and welfare of the students of the school.
The PFA is also responsible for organising a range of social events, including mother’s and father’s day events, parents social events, kids movie night, and a family weekend away.
At Our Holy Redeemer we value the work and great support we receive from the members of our school community. We thank you for contributing to our great community spirit.
2025 PFA Roles:
President: Lauren Wong
Oversees the running of the Parents and Friends Association and chairs each monthly meeting. The president is called upon to make decisions in the best interest of the school and the PFA. The President fosters community spirit and is a welcoming approachable presence at the school. The president works closely with the Vice-President in a hands-on way to ensure all fundraising and social event requirements are met.
Vice-President : Linnea Reddie
Organises and coordinates with the President and Principal, all fundraising activities for the year. Coordinates the process for the allocation of PFA funds via the OHR PFA Fundraising Expenditure Policy.
Secretary: Kelly Wong
Attends each monthly meeting and keeps minutes of the resolutions and proceedings of each meeting and then distributes them to committee members and those who regularly attend meetings as well as those who request minutes. Keeps a record of attendees and apologies for each meeting. The secretary is also responsible for all outgoing correspondence and performs the duties of a secretary of an incorporated association as required by applicable legislation.
Treasurer: Bien Shiu
Collects and receives all monies due to the PFA and makes all payments authorised by the PFA. Keeps correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs of the PFA with details of all receipts and expenditure connected with activities and events. Prepares a report for each monthly meeting as well as the Annual General Meeting. Performs any duty or function related to the financial records of the PFA as required by the rules of the PFA and applicable legislation.
Working Bee Coordinators: Luke Torpey & Justin Bolger
Coordinates and organises the school working bees. Delegates and oversees the work requested to be done by the Principal and School Office Manager. Coordinates refreshments and food to be shared by families on the day.
Class Rep Coordinator: Linnea Reddie
Fosters community spirit amongst the school families by encouraging involvement and participation in the day-to-day life of the school. Coordinates the recruitment of two or three class reps for each grade. Oversees the activities of the class reps such as – year level social events, staff birthdays, Grandparent & Special Friends day, Mothers & Fathers day stalls, First Communion, Confirmation and Grade 6 Graduation.
Food Bank Coordinator: Justine Holloway
The OHR Foodbank is a roster of parents who are willing to be called upon to provide a meal for school families during a time of need (e.g following the birth of a baby or during a time of illness or bereavement). The coordinator organises meal rosters and acts as a trusted and confidential contact.
Tuckshop Coordinator: Kate Casley
Oversees the smooth running of the Tuckshop. Prepares rosters at the beginning of each term and Tuckshop price lists. Ensures fridges and pantries are fully stocked and maintained. Carries out regular cleaning of the Tuckshop and reports to council inspector as required.
The OHR tuck shop is always looking for volunteers to help each Wednesday from 10.30am. There is no food preparation, very little clean up and the time required is only about 50 minutes. Preschoolers are very welcome. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sinead through the school office.
Ex officio members:
The Principal and Parish Priest are also ex officio members of the PFA.
Rules of the PFA:
The PFA was first established with the approval of the Principal in December 2009 and originally operated as an unincorporated parent elected committee.
In 2021, the PFA was incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (Vic), as amended from time to time (Act).
To comply with the Act, the PFA resolved to adopt new rules. These rules are set out in the PFA Constitution below.
School Advisory Council
Purpose of the School Advisory Council
The Board of Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Ltd (MACS) has responsibility for the strategic direction and oversight of the operation and management of MACS schools, including Our Holy Redeemer. Clear lines of authority, reporting and delegation from the MACS Board through the MACS Executive Director delegate the day to day operational management of Our Holy Redeemer to its principal.
In keeping with the objects of the MACS Constitution, which states “The good work of educating the young, undertaken in the light of the Gospel, is a co-responsible task led by every member of the Catholic school community”, the School Advisory Council provides a crucial point of connection between the wider school community and school leaders. While the School Advisory Council does not have governance responsibility or decision-making authority, it supports the principal and school leadership and provides an important connection to the parish.
It is not a governing body but its role is to support the overall governance of the system as it “is to give consideration to, and advice on, important school matters in order to support the principal and the strategic interest of the school.” (Working Together in Mission p.11)
Role of the School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where the parent/guardian voice and perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the principal and parish priest for the good of school and parish where the wellbeing and outcomes for students is paramount.
It is important that School Advisory Council members understand that their primary role is to provide support and advice on important school matters to support the principal in the context of the MACS governance arrangements. School Advisory Councils do not have a legal identity and do not become involved in the day-to-day management of the school. The School Advisory Council must act within the parameters of these Terms of Reference.
MACS provides support to the School Advisory Council, such as policy guidance and templates for the work of the council. While not immediately responsible for the activities of the council, utilising the principle of subsidiarity, the principle of solidarity acknowledges that MACS Board, as the governing body of MACS schools, is responsible for common good of Catholic education in MACS schools the Archdiocese and thus is ultimately responsible for making any decision about the establishment of a council and its arrangements.
The following are some ways the School Advisory Council supports the school and the principal:
- Articulating and enacting the school’s vision and mission
- Promoting the school’s Catholic ethos and culture
- Promoting faith formation and development
- Implementing school policies as required
- Giving advice to the principal on issues such as enrolments, school improvement plans and enrolment trends
- Engaging in discussion with the principal about the annual school budget and other financial matters
- Giving advice to the principal about the school Master Plan
- Capital resource planning and maintenance support to the principal
The School Advisory Council Comprises:
Fr Sang Ho
Frank Dame
David McIntosh
Narelle Egan
Sinead Howard
Many Dominello
Karen Wilkie-Smith
Peter Mannfolk
Working Bee's
Working Bees are a cost effective and essential means to maintaining aesthetic school grounds that afford a safe and welcoming environment for our children, parents and visitors. There are four Working Bees scheduled throughout the year and we encourage each family to attend at least one of these events. The Working Bees are overseen by our two parent coordinators to address the upkeep of the school grounds and minor maintenance matters.
Working Bees provide the opportunity to connect with other families, and the children always have a great time helping out and playing with one another in the school grounds. The Working Bees are a social affair that always conclude with a sausage sizzle.

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